Generic 2018 U.S. Election Cycle Recycling Bin

There was a comedian who made a joke about the Secret Service ‘dodging bullets’ back when Dub was still the POTUS;

“He said WHAT?!?!
To WHO?!?!
Oh, hell no; I’m calling in ‘sick’ today!”

Can’t remember who it was, but the joke is still funny; and more relevant than ever.


Looks rather like the Whitehouse Press Secretary just had a brain-fart and tweeted his password??


I posted this in another thread, too.


oh that is going to be sweet.



And the email accounts tied to these government twitter accounts? Gmail.

Which goes nicely with this, but we don’t care about email servers any more, natch.


So maybe our fine Fourth Estate should start acting like an opposition party. They should dig up and publish as much dirt as they can on this corrupt excuse for an Administration. And I can’t believe it isn’t out there, just waiting to be released. I’ll buy-- hell, I’ll subscribe-- to whatever paper or papers who make it their mission to tear down Trump, no holds barred.


This; 1000x.


Right. Because the press was so nice to Hillary.


Two best bets right now are: NYTimes and Washington Post.

Then there is this interesting post that ProPublica put out recently:


I really hate people.


This is a really interesting read. I’m not sure it exactly nails it, but I think it gets a lot right about Trump, and it offers some ideas for how to counter his narrative.


We are a full generation of new reporters since media began to fully conglomerate with larger business empires. Considering the business case, they have been chasing the FoxNews dollar for a long time, but they missed a key factor. While Fox is a dumpster heap of poorly researched conservative propaganda and promoted the most vile of pundits and opinion authors, they were only even threatened by an even more extreme propaganda arm with even more vile pundits and opinion authors. The American consumer doesn’t want balanced and unbiased reporting, they want to be fed platitudes and to be entertained. It’s also why alternative media outlets on the progressive side are also being really lazy (for the most part). They can just as easily just draw a target on the current Overton Window and throws darts at it and let people get spun up on it, and if they are ever called on it they point to a single counterexample that’s usually so outdated it doesn’t even matter. That’s where the money is, and as people get more desperate they are going to push what sticks (knowingly or not) because it keeps the lights on and brings people to a side.

We are left relying on a radicalizing of the current media giants - and hoping they will choose the extreme that matches our preferred extreme and not Trump’s. What’s more likely is that some of them will be shuddered, punditry will become more common, and the business of news will push the media to match the extremes of the administration. Like during the Reagan era or even more so during the W. Bush era. The Iraq war coverage will soon be coverage putting a positive spin on the wall.


Your mileage may vary, I guess. To me that reads as just more of the same gleeful tone driving trollies we’ve seen so much of, someone taking the opportunity of Trump’s election to gloat against the “political correctness” they hated all along. I mean, seriously:

PC’s fakeness is only outdone by its fanaticism, which has grown with considerable intensity in recent years. Everything from Brendan Eich’s firing from Mozilla for donating to Proposition 8 in California, to the eruption of protests on college campuses over the offensiveness of Halloween costumes, to the controversy over state laws that restrict bathroom usage according to biology rather than gender identity, suggest that the postmodern “cult of nondiscrimination” only grows more desperate the more it succeeds.

Plainly this is all “phony outrage and affected condescension”. Nobody actually has friends who would be affected by banning gay marriage or misgendering trans people, let alone themselves being affected by them. We erase that possibility, and all that’s left is a limousine left-wing that keeps attacking the right-wing for no good reason. So no wonder they’ve decided to fight – to fight back, since they certainly never fired any opening shots at anyone!

I have never seen anything solid to support the Trump movement came from exasperation about attacks over nothing, as opposed to people upset at rejection of their ideals for being genuinely bigoted. Yet the narrative gets floated again and again. As I’ve said before, it’s just sort of assumed that an anti-civil-rights movement could not possibly be a thing in the US; any polls showing such attitude mean nothing, and get replaced by general disdain for whatever PC-too-far incidents you can find or spin up.

All I can see in this is the circular firing squad people have been begging against. Except I don’t think it’s actually circular – it seems to me to come from the “third camp” kind of people who know not to be partisans for Republicans or Democrats, but have become fiercely partisan to the notion they are exactly as bad, no matter how the Overton window shifts. Anyone desperate to keep one out must therefore be doing so out of blind loyalty to the other, and when someone does come in on a tide of racism and hatred, you need to invent a reason their opponents are just as much to blame.

I know this isn’t you, and trust you managed to look past this and see something else of merit in this article. But I wanted to rant about it anyway, because this narrative seems neither supported nor productive, just a way to smugly give people who care about discrimination an insult to go with their injury. And yet it’s been very popular; back in December this place seemed awash in it. I’ve been hoping it’s let up some.


Yes, I agree, there are problems with the article, particularly the inserting of Postmodernism into it, but there is something in there. Like this part:

Right after famously referring to the “rapists” Mexico was sending into the United States when he first announced his campaign, Trump responded to shocked critics by claiming that “Latinos love Trump and I love them.” Similarly, after the emergence of the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, Trump claimed boldly to audible snickering that “nobody has more respect for women than I do.”

Did anyone really take Trump’s rebuttals seriously? Obviously not. Still, his preposterous responses demonstrated that accusations of racism and sexism had no power over him,

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Deportation priorities: This is extremely broad, catches green card holders. No requirement for conviction of a crime, just an accusation or charging is sufficient, or an immigration officer saying that his his/her view you pose a risk to public safety.


…I need to apply for citizenship.


I’ve never seen a rat jump ONTO a sinking ship before. :wink: