I found a locked safe hidden at the back of a closet in my new house

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Thereā€™s also always the locksmith answer if you donā€™t have the time.


I am going to assume Bill Murray hid the new Wu-Tang album in there.



Sadly if you want the house in good condition my favorite answer of suitably placed high explosives isnā€™t going to work.


Give Geraldo Rivera a call ā€¦


Post it on Reddit. The sheer force of rage and disappointment at giving them another locked safe to obsess about will be enough to melt through those locks.

And every time, theyā€™re empty. Itā€™s like Charlie Brown and that damn football. Every time, they think that this time, thereā€™ll be something exciting inside.


Fingers crossed



30 left. 0 Right. 6 Left.

Oh, wait. Sorry, that was my high school locker combination.


Give Yale a call. They might be able to help you.


No, that GUARANTEES it will be empty.


From my extensive viewing of films, I can tell you that without a doubt, spraying freon on the hinges and then tapping them lightly with an ice pick will for sure open that sucker.


has anyone in the family found a doll that looks exactly like them?


yeah I can see the fun in figuring out how to crack it yourself. But if you ever hope to use it again you really should call a professional. Like wise vintage safes can be pretty valuable on their own, even if thereā€™s nothing in it in the end. If you damage it while opening it its worth virtually nothing.

If Rob still wants to see about getting into it himself: From what I understand a lot old safes had fixed combinations pre-set from the manufacturer. So there are books meant for locksmiths that listed the possible combinations used, allowing you to look up combination sets by serial number. Or otherwise figure out the combination based on serial number. You might be able to find that information online.

Otherwise since its in your house and you have plenty of time you can always brute force it. Just work your way through the possible combinations one by one. But then that could take you decades. Depending on how many numbers.

To make it faster: with old/cheap safes you can sometimes feel where the tumblers engage by slowly, slowly, slowly, turning the knob (often while holding the handle under tension). The knob will catch, have greater resistance, or pop as it comes close to the proper number. Either telling you exactly what the number is, or greatly narrowing the number of combinations to try. Sort of the same thing as using the listening device, except instead of hearing where the tumblers bump into place youā€™re feeling it through the dial. I accomplished this once on a very old pad lock a friend needed to get into. It took us hours because we had no clue what we were doing.

Iā€™ve also seen professionals carefully drill through the front plate of the door, at an appropriate spot (usually in front of wherever the tumblers are) and insert one of those flexible cameras or a scope (like that thing the doctor uses to look in your ears) to directly look at the tumblers as they go by. You see that a lot in movies, supposedly its absolute bunk for anything new or reasonably function. But for old safes remains a possibility. Apparently it doesnā€™t work with all safes, and can actually render it permanently sealed or otherwise inoperable if you fuck it up. So between damage to the safe, and potential screw ups it can remove all value or utility in the safe.

If you donā€™t want to preserve a functional safe. Well there are apparently tons of ways to cut into or otherwise breach the thing. I used to live in an apartment building with a ton of huge, vintage floor safes (weā€™re talking 7 foot tall monsters) scattered around. Apparently they were too large to practically move (cost wise). So they were simply disabled and left in place. Most of them appear to have had the dials pulled off, and all of the internals destroyed or removed. Almost all of them were open, a few were permanently sealed closed. A few lacked doors, having had their hinges cut through. All doors had multiple cut outs or drill holes where key pieces of the mechanism would have been.



Odds of the safe containing a Rick Astley single?


Iā€™m guessing Jimmy Hoffa is in there.


Use the Richard Feynman method!

Contact the manufacturer and ask what default combination was being used when this thing might have been sold. Odds are the owner never changed it.

In his memoirs, Feynman wrote that even during the Manhattan Project, he found that most of the safes being used for top-security secrets still were set to their original combinations, and for the few that werenā€™t he usually could find the combination scribbled down somewhere in a nearby desk drawer. Eventually he got introduced to an expert safecracker and asked him how he did it, and found out the other guy was doing the same few things.


ā€¦ and I see RyuThrowsStuff beat me to it.

I didnā€™t know about the books of combinations, though!


Richard Feynman used to like imagining himself a safecracker when he was working on the Manhattan Project. He made a few attempts with the safes at Los Alamos laboratories, but he finds he doesnā€™t have a lot of options as an amateur. One thing he found success with was to find out what the default combination set at the safe factory. In this case it was 50 - 25 - 50. In trying it he learned that some of the safes at the secure scientific facility had never received new combinations. He also learned that people in the 1940s tended to try easy-to-remember combinations, e.g. the digits of pi: 31 - 41- 59 or some other mathematical constant.
Thereā€™s no penalty for trying, I guess. Find a copy of Surely Youā€™re Joking, Mr. Feynman. Itā€™s terrific reading in any case - funny, touching and brief.