2019: The Year in Review

Top #boing Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Rep. Ted Lieu plays Candace Owens' Hitler remarks on phone during House hearing on white nationalism 94
Video: A furious woman at Walmart calls cops on a man because he "looks illegal" 74
Unvaccinated high school student is suing the health department for banning him from school during a chicken pox outbreak 74
Reply All interviewed the 30-50 feral hogs guy and learned he had a point 68
West Virginia GOP hangs a poster calling Rep. Ilhan Omar a terrorist in state capitol 62

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Catherynne Valente schools her racist neighbors about the asylum seekers in their midst 38
They were... Socialist Invaders from the Future! 23
Sculptures of wolves mauling tourist appear in New York City parks 22
"Mysterious medallions" popping up on Bay Area sidewalks 21
Can anti-transgender bias in media be measured? 21

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
An argument for getting rid of the physical "caps lock" key 169
Unvaccinated high school student is suing the health department for banning him from school during a chicken pox outbreak 163
Ringleader of college admissions scandal now admits he helped over 750 families sneak their way into college 147
"Bechdelgrams" are beautiful illustrations of whether a movie passes the Bechdel test 143
"Because we're not morons:" This bumper sticker announces you're voting for "the Democrat" 135

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Catherynne Valente schools her racist neighbors about the asylum seekers in their midst 41
They were... Socialist Invaders from the Future! 32
Sculptures of wolves mauling tourist appear in New York City parks 32
Can anti-transgender bias in media be measured? 31
"Mysterious medallions" popping up on Bay Area sidewalks 31

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Nope, men and women aren’t equally sexualized in comics 18
Unvaccinated high school student is suing the health department for banning him from school during a chicken pox outbreak 12
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