Trump campaign chief: it's not lying if he didn't know whether it was true or not when he said it

Eureka! Clarity to what is been before us all along! Trump is a Bullshitter.


I love how Trump basically can spout whatever bullshit he wants without any research or consequence.

Truly the candidate of the Internet age.


The lesson here is that Trump has no desire to learn the truth, but instead he has a desire to make fabricated proclamations that advance his career (or whatever it is that he’s trying to do).


Yes! And this is the problem with the “It’s okay, he’ll have smart people around him” defense that some of his supporters use. It won’t do any good for him to have smart people if he makes stupid decisions without listening to them.

Besides if his campaign staff is any indication he doesn’t surround himself with smart people.


How could he possibly be able to tell?


I think I’d be willing to sacrifice both ketchup and hot dogs forever just to ensure trump loses.


Same here.


A friend and I used joke about the broadcast-standard delivery of these lines:
“You’re gonna look pretty funny tryin’ to eat corn on the cob with noTEEEEETH!”
“Well then… I guess you’re really up [pause] TheCreek.”

No one else knew what the hell we were talking about…


There’s a glaring hole in boingboing’s presidential coverage, where’s the Clinton posts? It’s all hate for Trump, put no hate or love for Clinton?

So I guess it’s better to just be completely ignorant, so you never have to worry about telling a lie.

“Hey, I thought it was true!”


I don’t know, I’m equally fascinated, impressed, and utterly repulsed by Katrina Pierson. How someone can spew bullshit of such quality and in such quantity, without any detectable regard for what other people think – wow. Like a bulldozer that someone set to full throttle, jumped out, and let it keep going, because fuck it.


Which is more newsworthy and interesting?

Adult human being asks voters for support based on her policy proposals and years of experience


Bigoted orangutan takes stage at political rally, throws feces amid incoherent shrieks, wins support of nearly half of American voters


Trump’s campaign strategy is to say outrageous, extreme, ludicrous, attention-grabbing things as much as possible to get press coverage. He’s using the “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” approach. Horrifyingly, it works. The media’s saturated with coverage.

Clinton’s running a more normal campaign that focuses on ads and in her speeches she says things that are typical for a Democratic politician, so the press largely ignores her other than to address the things Trump says about her, or to obsess with hyper-focus on the mail server and other scandals.

Trump’s media saturation by outrage approach bleeds over here, so we get more stories about Trump’s attention-grabbing, outrageous, ludicrousness.

There are Clinton-related posts, though:


yes!!! That pause for “up…the creek” is forever burned in my memory. My brother and I would know exactly what you were talking about.

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The campaign of the GOP nominee has now gone full meta by lying about lying.

It absolutely IS lying to falsely represent that you know a matter to be true, even if you don’t know whether or not the matter is actually true. This is referred to in legal authority as “reckless disregard for the truth.”

For example, California Penal Code section 125, which has been in effect since 1872, states that “An unqualified statement of that which one does not know to be true is equivalent to a statement of that which one knows to be false.” Thus under California law such statements can be prosecuted as perjury. I am sure most or all other jurisdictions have similar laws.

The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly held that statements made with reckless disregard for their truth, as with knowingly false statements, are not entitled to constitutional protection under the First Amendment. For example, see Garrison v. Louisiana or N.Y. Times v. Sullivan.

The BBS software is not allowing me to include more links, but the Supreme Court cases are readily available on the Google for the truly avid readers and/or insomniacs in search of a cure.


Exactly. It takes real courage and self-confidence to admit a mistake. I’ve seen little evidence of either in Trump, or in recent republican politicians in general. Bluster, arrogance, and ignorance aren’t the same.


So, are they moving goalposts, or are they fine with Trump being referred to as an ignoramus instead of a liar?

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I thought it was chimpanzees that indicated their displeasure at being kept in cages by human speciesists by hurling the only material to hand.

I know this is a tired old joke, but please don’t insult orangutans. They’re an endangered species that deserve a better press.

Bigoted human being pretends to be orangutan…I can get alongside that.